Game of Thrones spawns an app to help fans learn to speak Dothraki | Technology
Languages created for TV shows can have a powerful fascination for fans: just look at Star Trek’s Klingon language for proof of that. Game of Thrones’ Dothraki language also fits into the trend.
Now publisher Random House wants to help fans of the HBO drama to learn the language spoken by its fierce horse-mounted warriors, with a mobile app called Dothraki Companion.
Released for iPhone and iPad, the app is the work of David J. Peterson, who was responsible for creating the language for Game of Thrones.
It promises games, more than 300 vocabulary flashcards, a grammar summary, culture notes and a “conversational dialogue” to complement the publisher’s Living Language Dothraki book and audio course, which goes on sale in the UK later this month.
“The Dothraki Companion app will arm you with enough vocabulary and grammar to have a complete conversation in Dothraki,” promises its App Store listing, throwing in one of the more famous Dothraki phrases – “Me nem nesa” (it is known) – for good measure.